
A Normal Day In My Life

So this is what at day in my life looks like. I wake up, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, change from my pyjamas to whatever clothes I find in my wardrobe. Then I go to school which takes about 45 minutes. I could go by bus but since I don't want to literally bump into anyone I rather walk. A bus is too crowded for me. In school I spend all of my breaks in the library studying or something like that. Usually I'm alone because me and my former best friend Adam are still not talking to each other. After school I go home and study some more before I start playing WoW or Final Fantasy or something. Then I spend half the night doing that before I go to bed and start everything all over again.

Sounds like fun? I actually like my life like this. I see no wrongin being boring. Even if Joyce wants me to go to a nightclub with her. No way!

Still miss him.


First Of All

In this, my first post, I thought I might tell you all a little about myself. The simplest way of doing this is simply to list things about myself I guess.

Name: Markus Thorn

Age: 19, I'll be 20 on February 20th

Lives: Corona Heights, California

Occupation: College student, I want to become a software developer.

Hobbies: My computers Edd and Tom, video games, reading.

To be honest there isn't much more to me. The ones who know me IRL (Hi to all of you!) knows me as the shy and awkward boy trying to be as far away from other people as possible. It's true, I actually am afraid of having to be social. I just don't know what to do and I always panic if someone touches me. The way I am online is way different. I can be myself here. That's why I started this blog, so that people can see the real me and maybe understand that if they really want to be friends with me it's not impossible. Another reason is because a few months back things started happen in my life and I don't really have anyone else to talk to so I'll just write it down instead.

So in order to bring you up to date I'll give you a quick recap of the past few months:

I thought I was going to spend my life alone but then I met a guy named Haydn in the park. I helped him with his computer twice and to make a long story short he became my first everything. Then suddenly, not too long ago, he broke up with me and left for Germany. I don't know what to do, I don't even understand why he left. I miss him so much.